Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mentally and Physically

My body is currently not a 100%. Lately I have been feeling really tired. I can barely get up in the morning, when I get home I take a nap, and at night I usually have no trouble falling asleep. My immune system hasn’t been the greatest since December. As of now I feel like I’m getting a cold and my body is breaking out in bumps. I don’t know why. I have been really stressed out lately but I’m doing the best I can to bring it back down. I’ve been drinking a lot of water and putting more fruit back into my diet. My mom recently bought me a multivitamin for athletic lifestyles and a stress B vitamin and a herb vitamin for stressful lifestyles. Hopefully after a week I’ll be feeling better. I’m sure it’s also affecting my dancing for the worst and not better. But I am trying my best in class though.

Weight Shifting

These two dancers are AMAZING!! The dance is really good and they both are always so interesting to watch. A lot of the time in this dance I can see them weight shift.


A dance intensive that I would love to go to over the summer is at the Boston Conservatory. After reading about conservatories, it is definitely the training that I need right now. The fact that it’s in Boston and not in Florida is a major plus. To be able to dance out of state is a great experience. Some of the classes they are going to offer over the summer are African, ballet, modern, tap, hip-hop, pointe, choreography, and pilates. If I get into this program, I know I would work my butt off every day. Actually I’m going to start working my butt off from now to prove that I deserve to go somewhere like that. I didn’t even know about the Boston Conservatory until a dancer that goes there added me on facebook. He’s an amazing dancer and after seeing some of his dance videos on facebook, it made me want to go there. The application due date isn’t until May 6th so I still have time to apply!

The Way I Learn

After reading this article, there’s no doubt in my mind that I am a touch/experience learner. I’m the type of person that has to experience things for myself. Even though I do listen to people’s advice, a part of me feels like I have to find out for myself. In class I find myself going to the same spot everyday in modern and in ballet. I guess it’s my comfort zone. Tomorrow I’m going to try the opposite of the room and see if that changes anything. Maybe I’ll take in information differently. When taught a combination, I always find it easier doing the side that I was taught first. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or left but I always have trouble getting the opposite side down. I guess that’s just something I’m going to have to work better at. Counts don’t really make a difference to me, as long as I hear the tempo of the combination than I’m good.


I found the article to be very helpful. I know that alignment is important as a dancer and they gave some good examples of how to achieve them. One that I would keep in mind is keeping the muscles engaged but not gripped, so that at any moment you can move without having to release. I find myself more gripping muscles than actually engaging them so that is something I will definitely work on. Edward Ellison talked about not taking a long time to get into a position. Get there fast and hold it is the best way to keep your balance. In ballet class Richard has told us to not wait so long to let go of the barre when we are balancing. The faster you let go, the harder your body will work at keeping you balanced. Recently I have been trying to do that in ballet class and I think I’m getting better at it. I think sometimes reading what other dance teachers write makes it better too. Sometimes it takes hearing the same thing from somebody else.