Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Glissade! Glissade! Glissade!

I never knew before this semester that there were 6 different types of glissades. The most I knew of were two. The six types are glissade devant, glissade derriere, glissade dessous, glissade dessus, glissade en avant, and glissade en arriere. The differences between them all are the starting positions, ending positions, and the direction. Glissade devant means glissade in front. Glissade devant travels to the side and is commenced with the front foot and finishes with the same foot in front. Glissade derriere means the opposite, glissade in back. Just like glissade devant, it travels to the side but this time it is commenced with the back foot and finishes with that same foot back. Glissade dessous means glissade under. This glissade travels to the side and is commenced with the front foot, which finishes back. Glissade dessus means over. It also travels to the side and it commenced with the back leg, which finishes in the front. Glissade en avant means to glissade forward. This glissade commences with the front leg and finishes with it in the front, traveling en avant, croise en avant, or effaces en avant. The last glissade is en arriere. This is a glissade backwards. This glissade commences with the back foot and finishes with it in the back. Glissade en arriere can travel en arriere, croise en arriere, or efface en arriere. I’m happy I was assigned this blog because now I have a better understanding of what each glissade does.

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