Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dusan Tynek Dance Company

The Dusan Tynek company was amazing!!! They are all super talented dancers and an inspiration to watch.They all had great use of whole body and spatial  awareness. The dances included a lot of running and fast movements so if they didn't breathe and use whole body it would have been impossible to do. I like how they danced with the chairs. The choreography was very creative and well thought out. You could see that he put a lot of time and effort with all of his dances. I loved all the partnering and the fact that he had guys partnering with other guys. He broke out of the norm of only having a guy partner with a girl. I also loved that they took their clothes off. Just seeing their bare skin moving with all the long lines was very beautiful. Watching the company just made me want to work so much harder so I can soon be there one day too.

Whole Body

I feel like I'm actually starting to grasp the concept of dancing whole body. At the beginning of the semester I had trouble with moving upper and then lower but that's something that I am working very hard on. I am starting to move from my core and it's something that I just need to keep being aware of. I do have a habit of sticking my ribs out but that ties into not using my core. Sometimes I find myself leaning back in my heels and that's also another habit I need to break. Being present and aware is what I need to do to re-train my body.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Being Present

I am..
I am..
I am a dancer.
I am a believer.
I am a leader.
I am strong.
I am emotional.
I am Alexandra Nicole Dyer.

I started off saying I am 2 times before I actually finished it. I sometimes have to remind myself to be confident. I doubt myself a lot when it comes to dancing so I just need to have more faith in myself. I chose I believe because I believe in God and in people. I believe you can do anything if you put your mind to it. My mom always taught me to lead and not follow after people and to be strong. But I defnitely do have my days when I break down. Doing my solo was nerve racking for me. I get super nervous before doing a solo but that ties into my confidence problem. But once I start dancing I feel it and put my all into it.

Body Check In

My body is doing terrible right now. My energy is very low and I feel tired all the time. My knees, ankles, and just everything is hurting. I need to find more time in the day to rest but that's not an option right now. In class I am present for the most part. It's hard to remember all my bad habits and fix them but I am trying. I just have to keep working hard. Theres a point in class where I just give up because I get tired but I need to push past that tiredness and keep working hard. Once I do that then I feel as though I will grow as a dancer a whole lot sooner.