Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monica Bill Barnes Dance Company

I went on youtube and watched a dance piece by the Monica Bill Barnes Dance Company called "Another Parade". Their movements are very interesting and they are one to take many risks. I think they are very creative and talented. I could tell they had good technique even when they were doing crazy movements. I thought it was very interesting that they were dancing in sweaters and skirts. That was kind of werid to me but I liked it. What I liked the most about this company is that they are not afraid to do something out of the norm. I give them much praise!


This dancer is using bad technique right now in her pointe shoe. She's pushing her foot way past her toes and her ankle is past the limit it's suppose to go. She's not lifting up in her body at all. It might be because she has a boot on her other foot but if that's the case then she doesn't need to be wearing pointe shoes at all.

Dance Combo

Start in 1st position. Four degages devant on right leg. Chasse on the right leg to the front. Fall back to the ground and roll on the floor using head tail connection and get back up finishing in 1st position. Repeat on the left leg going devant and then to both sides and then to the back and back to the sides.

Spring Semester

I feel like I have improved this semester. But a part of me feels as though I could have gone further. I sold myself short at times and didn’t put my all in it but I had many distractions this semester. I’m still at the point in my life where I’m learning how to deal with my stress in a healthy way. I do plan to work harder over the summer and not sell myself short. I plan to take ballet in summer A, hopefully go to the dance festival at USF, and I’m going to a dance intensive for a week in August. My goal with dance is to get my AA by the end of next spring. I haven’t really worked out the rest of my life plan yet but I am definitely working on it. Things that I wish to one day do are get my BFA in dance, dance on a cruise ship, and dance in a professional dance company.

Weight Shift

One concept that we have been working on lately is weight shift. Taking your pelvis with you everywhere isn’t as easy as it looks when you’re dancing. Dancers make the mistake of leaving their pelvis behind when dancing. People are shifting their weight even when they don’t realize it. Dancing in the club for instance is a good example. You shift your weight when you do the dougie and when you do the two step. Not only is the movement better looking but you can do a lot more with the movement when you use your whole body.